Bücher Herunterladen Steal the Show: From Speeches to Job Interviews to Deal-Closing Pitches, How to Guarantee a Standing Ovation for All the Performances in Your Life, by Michael Port
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Steal the Show: From Speeches to Job Interviews to Deal-Closing Pitches, How to Guarantee a Standing Ovation for All the Performances in Your Life, by Michael Port

Bücher Herunterladen Steal the Show: From Speeches to Job Interviews to Deal-Closing Pitches, How to Guarantee a Standing Ovation for All the Performances in Your Life, by Michael Port
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A Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Publishers Weekly Bestseller! Steal the Show surprised me. It might be the most unique and practical book written on the topic of public speaking and performance in everyday life. And it's about so much more than just public speaking. You'll learn how to express yourself authentically, be more creative and increase your confidence in all aspects of life." --Howard Behar, former president Starbucks Coffee "Speaking in public is not just an art, it's a craft that can be learned and improved upon in order to change the treasures that can be mined. On that account, Port's latest book, steals the show." - Peter Guber, CEO, Mandalay Entertainment & #1 NYT bestselling author, TELL TO WIN “If anyone knows how to steal the show, it’s Michael Port. In this tour de force, he shares his secret method on how anyone, even the most inexperienced, can wow an audience. Jeff Goins, Best-selling author of The Art of Work “It takes decades of coaching and practice to become a truly fascinating speaker. But it turns out, there’s a shortcut: you can apply Michael Port's principles to immediately stand out and steal the show." --Sally Hogshead, Hall of Fame Speaker and NY Times Bestselling author of How the World Sees You “An engaging book on how to dazzle audiences. Michael Port shares effective techniques for rehearsing and performing.” --Adam Grant, Wharton professor and New York Times bestselling author of Give and TakeA Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Publishers Weekly Bestseller! "An indispensable guide for introverts and extroverts alike who want to shine when performing in public." - Inc. Magazine Steal the Show surprised me. It might be the most unique and practical book written on the topic of public speaking and performance in everyday life. And it's about so much more than just public speaking. You'll learn how to express yourself authentically, be more creative and increase your confidence in all aspects of life." --Howard Behar, former president, Starbucks Coffee "Speaking in public is not just an art, it's a craft that can be learned and improved upon in order to change the treasures that can be mined. On that account, Port's latest book, steals the show." - Peter Guber, CEO, Mandalay Entertainment & #1 NYT bestselling author, TELL TO WIN “If anyone knows how to steal the show, it’s Michael Port. In this tour de force, he shares his secret method on how anyone, even the most inexperienced, can wow an audience. Jeff Goins, Best-selling author of The Art of Work “It takes decades of coaching and practice to become a truly fascinating speaker. But it turns out, there’s a shortcut: you can apply Michael Port's principles to immediately stand out and steal the show." --Sally Hogshead, Hall of Fame Speaker and NY Times Bestselling author of How the World Sees You “An engaging book on how to dazzle audiences. Michael Port shares effective techniques for rehearsing and performing.” --Adam Grant, Wharton professor and New York Times bestselling author of Give and TakeSteal the Show surprised me. It might be the most unique and practical book written on the topic of public speaking and performance in everyday life. And it's about so much more than just public speaking. You'll learn how to express yourself authentically, be more creative and increase your confidence in all aspects of life." --Howard Behar, former president Starbucks Coffee "Speaking in public is not just an art, it's a craft that can be learned and improved upon in order to change the treasures that can be mined. On that account, Port's latest book, steals the show." - Peter Guber, CEO, Mandalay Entertainment & #1 NYT bestselling author, TELL TO WIN “If anyone knows how to steal the show, it’s Michael Port. In this tour de force, he shares his secret method on how anyone, even the most inexperienced, can wow an audience. Jeff Goins, Best-selling author of The Art of Work “It takes decades of coaching and practice to become a truly fascinating speaker. But it turns out, there’s a shortcut: you can apply Michael Port's principles to immediately stand out and steal the show." --Sally Hogshead, Hall of Fame Speaker and NY Times Bestselling author of How the World Sees You “An engaging book on how to dazzle audiences. Michael Port shares effective techniques for rehearsing and performing.” --Adam Grant, Wharton professor and New York Times bestselling author of Give and Take
FULL OF ESSENTIAL ADVICE FOR SPOTLIGHT LOVERS AND WALLFLOWERS ALIKE, THIS BOOK WILL TEACH YOU HOW TO BRING ANY CROWD TO ITS FEET.  Your day is full of moments when you must persuade, inform, and motivate others effectively. Each of those moments requires you to play a role, to heighten the impact of your words, and to manage your emotions and nerves—if you want to steal the show, that is. Every interaction is a performance, whether youÂ’re speaking up in a meeting, pitching a client, or walking into a job interview. In Steal the Show,New York Times best-selling author Michael Port draws on decades of experience as a professional actor on shows like Sex and the City and as a popular keynote speaker on the biggest stages, including Lincoln Center, to show you how to make the most of every presentation and interaction. YouÂ’ll learn how the methods of top actors will help you connect with, inspire, and persuade any audience. YouÂ’ll discover the key strategies for commanding an audienceÂ’s attention, developing a clear focus for every performance, engaging your listeners, and delivering your message with maximum impact.Â
Alle Produktbeschreibungen
Gebundene Ausgabe: 272 Seiten
Verlag: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (6. Oktober 2015)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 054455518X
ISBN-13: 978-0544555181
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
15,2 x 2,4 x 22,9 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
4.0 von 5 Sternen
5 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 1.137.717 in Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Bücher)
Was für eine Entdeckung! Dieses Buch von Michael Port ist gepackt voll mit Tipps zum Thema "besser reden". Dabei beschränkt er sich keineswegs auf rhetorische Tricks, sondern adaptiert Wissen und Praxis aus seiner früheren Schauspieler Karriere für den täglichen Gebrauch.Das Buch beginnt mit einem Teil über mindset, geht über zu Performance principles und schließt mit einer masterclass zu Rhetorik. Ich weiß jetzt das eine oder andere zum Redenhalten :) doch das Buch begeistert mich vollkommen.Sehr empfehlenswert für alle die sicher kommunizieren möchten in allen Lebenslagen.
I can say that I have learned more about giving presentations from this book than I have learned in 14 years of going to school (which is really sad when you think about it). The only topic that isn't really covered in this book is body language. But otherwise it has such a great advice that I'll definitely rate it 5 stars!
The book tells that you are going to stun audiences, but forgets to tell you how exactly. A bit hollow from my perspective. The little practical advice is scarce and basic.The only valuable point it makes is preparation is essential for a good act, which is good if the task is a presentation or a speech in front of a (big) audience. Most situations in business involve improvising, time pressure, and interactive audiences. Also controlling yourself requires energy, which is available in limited supply, and talent, which you have or you don't.So, unfortunately, not much to learn from the book...
I bought this book in a time where I had to go to job interviews and I needed new inspiration. And this book gave me a lot more than new motivation! The author explains not only explains some interesting points about communication skills, but he is giving many great advices and tipps on how to prepare yourself for important meetings.... and he also helps to deal with fears, this was very helpful for me too... all together I received a lot more helpful information than expected, and this book will for sure serve me in future for my career. I recommend this book to all people who wish to move forward in their career!!
Um es gleich zu Beginn erwähnen, ich bin seit über 3 Jahren ein großer Fan von Michael Port. Aus diesem Grunde hatte ich das Glück zu einer digitalen Vorabversion dieses Buches zu kommen. Was soll ich sagen? Ich habe nach dem ersten Lesen sofort die Print-Version bestellt.Wenn Sie Michael Port noch nicht kennen, er ist Autor, Redner und Marketing-Berater für Kleinunternehmen. Michael Port ist der Autor von "Book Yourself Solid", "Beyond Booked Solid", "The Contrarian Effect" und dem NY-Times Bestseller "Think Big Manifesto".Manche Bücher regen zum Denken an. Andere inspirieren. Und wieder andere geben taktische Anweisungen und Tipps. Michael Port hat die Gabe dies alles zu vereinen. Und zwar so, dass es auch der nicht so geübte Englisch-Leser leicht verstehen kann.Kommunikation ist vielleicht die wichtigste und am wenigsten entwickelten Fähigkeiten für viele Menschen, ob bei der Arbeit oder in privaten Gesprächen. Dieses Buch richtet sich primär an "Speaker", aber viele der Techniken sind hilfreich im Vertrieb, bei Meetings und sogar bei der Erziehung. Michael Port gibt praktische Tipps zum Storytelling (mein persönlicher Lieblings-Teil), Eröffnen und Beenden von Präsentationen und "wie man sie sich in die Herzen und Köpfe von schwierigen Zuhörern improvisiert."Dieses Buch ist, wie alle Bücher von Port, gefüllt mit guten Tipps, wie Sie den nächsten Vortrag strukturieren, die Körpersprache richtig einsetzen und ein gutes Mindset erreichen. Dieses Buch kann ich all jenen empfehlen, die "Vorträge halten" zu einer ihrer Marketing-Strategien erkoren haben. Aber auch hilfreich für alle im Business, die Meetings abhalten und Verhandlungen führen.
Steal the Show: From Speeches to Job Interviews to Deal-Closing Pitches, How to Guarantee a Standing Ovation for All the Performances in Your Life, by Michael Port PDF
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Steal the Show: From Speeches to Job Interviews to Deal-Closing Pitches, How to Guarantee a Standing Ovation for All the Performances in Your Life, by Michael Port PDF
Steal the Show: From Speeches to Job Interviews to Deal-Closing Pitches, How to Guarantee a Standing Ovation for All the Performances in Your Life, by Michael Port PDF
Steal the Show: From Speeches to Job Interviews to Deal-Closing Pitches, How to Guarantee a Standing Ovation for All the Performances in Your Life, by Michael Port PDF
Steal the Show: From Speeches to Job Interviews to Deal-Closing Pitches, How to Guarantee a Standing Ovation for All the Performances in Your Life, by Michael Port PDF
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